Hindustani Classical Music Year 3


This is the third course in the H.C.M. series. By this point, the student understands the concept of raag and aalap. The main focus of this course is to be able to sing aalap and taan within the bandish. The student will be given the tools and techniques to create their own aalap and taan as well.


This is the third course in the H.C.M. series. By this point, the student understands the concept of raag and aalap. The main focus of this course is to be able to sing aalap and taan within the bandish. The student will be given the tools and techniques to create their own aalap and taan as well.

This is the third course in the H.C.M. series. By this point, the student understands the concept of raag and aalap. The main focus of this course is to be able to sing aalap and taan within the bandish. The student will be given the tools and techniques to create their own aalap and taan as well.